Friday, March 7, 2008

Partial Orthodontics Braces



Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Famous People That Have Had Hernias

Planting Tomatoes 2008

Planting Tomatoes 2008
We will begin planting tomatoes for the year 2008 is earlier, it is true but we cheat nature thanks to a small energy saving light bulb 10w, some hours per day the time the tomato plants have two true leaves. First seeds to germinate:
TOMATO RED High Country

Variety very early . Each plant can produce over a hundred bright red fruit from 90 to 120 grams of pear-shaped. Variety suitable for canning. Variety developed in Montana .

This image tomatoes High Country, from a web site listing a wide variety of tomatoes. Fruit bright red to dark circles drawn on substantially the height of 50 to 120 grams. In May-June bouquet fruit. Firm flesh. Acid taste. Production more than 100 fruits per plant. Variety suitable for canning. Plant 50 to 60 centimeters in height. 60 to 65 days. Determinate growth. Early mid season variety. Variety developed in the fixed Montana USA.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Metal Cores White In The Middle

Strawberry Seascape

6 strawberry plants (var. Seascape), two pots 3 plants per pot.

Strawberry Summer is present in August and September. 'Seascape' and 'Mara des Bois' are the most popular varieties of summer, called "strawberry upbound.

Proceeds season. Small, round and fleshy, aroma and color are among the most flamboyant evocative of sunny days. C ' is: strawberry.
History of a fruit traveler The Fragaria vesca owes its name to its exquisite perfume (fragrum in Latin). The Romans were eating the fruit of wood and were beauty masks.
It was indeed the state wild, since the highest antiquity, America and Asia and in sub-mountainous areas of western Europe.
The Middle Ages we begin to introduce strawberries in gardens and orchards, and to improve his crop with mulching and manuring the ground.
During the Renaissance, strawberry fruit was appreciated as was consumed with cream for women or wine for men.
Quintinie The gardener of Louis XIV, made him the honors of his extraordinary garden.
The variety consumed in France was far strawberry and it took until 1713 for the year as a naval officer on behalf predestined discovered a new variety, to larger fruit, more fragrant and juicy.
Amédée-François Frezier had been sent a year earlier exploration off the coasts of western coast of South America and charged with establishing shots of English fortifications.
This curious observer there spotted a white fruit which he brought a few plants in France, "is grown entire campaigns of a species different from our own strawberry by the leaves are more rounded, more fleshy and very hairy.
Its fruits are usually as big as a walnut, and sometimes as a hen's egg. They are a red-white and a little less delicate in taste than our strawberries.
I gave a few feet to Mr. de Jussieu for the Royal Gardens, where take care of them for profit "he relates his story in Journey of the South Sea.
It will also give a few plants in the botanical garden of Brest ... cross between the "White Chile" (Fragaria chiloensis) and Virginia strawberry (small strawberry Quebec), the ancestor of our strawberry was not going back several years later implanted in the Breton town of Plougastel, where he enjoyed the ocean very favorable climate, close to its original environment.
This new variety, the pineapple strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) , became, by successive selections, the variety with large fruit that is grown in Europe today. The fortunes of the town was made Finistère and expression-label was born: Strawberries from Plougastel.
As to the first cutter uplink is more than a century later that the variety St. Joseph be created by Abbot Thivolet, 1893.
The strawberry fruit-flower fields and gardens On agronomic point of view, the Strawberry is what is called a false fruit.
It comes from the increase of the flower receptacle which becomes fleshy and edible.
The fruits of strawberry are actually the small hard seeds, called achenes and spread over the surface of the cutter.
Strawberries likes moist, well drained soils, temperate climate and a sunny (except strawberry timber preferred a longer exposure shaded).
There two types of strawberries:
non tonics, which bear fruit only once a year (May / June) are the most numerous
Upbound ensure the regular production in June to first frost .
Today there are hundreds of varieties worldwide, some very recent while others are creations of old, sometimes dating from the eighteenth century!
Today strawberry opts for diversity, both as regards its flavors, shapes, colors and earliness.
are many varieties in home gardens. In contrast, commercial farms undertake a rigorous selection process that reduces the range to a few main varieties often grown under tunnel Gariguette Pajaro, Elsanta, Selva, Mara des bois ...
come First Strawberries futures that can be found in April: the Garriguette course, created in 1976 by INRA and now represents 20% of production, everyone now knows its oblong shape, red-orange color and flavor slightly tart!
La Pajaro , founded in 1979 in USA (heart origin Provence and Aquitaine).
There are also early Cigaline , founded in 1996 by Ciref (Centre Interregional Research and Experimentation strawberry): an oblong strawberry, juicy, with a touch of strawberry.
Then there are the full-season strawberries on the shelves in May: Elsanta , large round bur and the sweet red flesh, a good performance (outcome of a cross between American varieties Gorella and holiday )
the Darselect, ruby red, conical, fleshy, with its big fruit regularly;
the CIRAFINE , sweet, tangy and a vermilion red color is a strawberry summer "fortifying", obtained recently from Mara des Bois;
the Ciflorette , highly developed scent, juicy and very sweet, sold in a special tray-shaped heart (has been launched by the Ciref in 1996).
Other varieties developed by the Ciref: the Cilo, the Cireine or Cigoulette created in 1996, Cilady the Cirano in 1997.
But how survive until the next achievement?
We finally found the strawberries were ripe to perfection, from the beginning of July.
The Seascape is a big red strawberry and round, very productive, original California (founded in 1992).
Small, bright red and firm, la Selva was established in 1983 in California; purple fruit rather small and delicate, ascending the Mara timber, with the subtle fragrance Scots, is a French creation in 1992 and is a particularly fragile strawberry, market proximity.
While efforts have been focused in France on eating quality, varietal research and the major objectives for the procurement are governed by profitability and fierce competition between fraisiculteurs.
To taste a strawberry flavor incomparable, there is nothing to cultivate oneself!
Through " protection "or specialized nurseries, one can find wonders, rare varieties and definitely fragrant, such as Sannie, Viscountess Héricard Thury, Capron Royal or Madam Moutot .
As for the wild strawberries, they gather in the woods in June-July on the plains in August-September in the mountains. They are small, rarely exceeding 12 mm long, dark red and very fragrant.
Grown, they are larger, clearer and less scented. These are particularly fragile fruit should be consumed quickly: strawberries do not support the refrigerator and should never be washed.

Openkore Aliases Poseidon

-Nephrolepis-Radermacher Gossypium

Nephrolepis Nephrolepis exaltata SCIENTIFIC NAME.
COMMON NAME Nephrolepis, Nephro, Boston fern.
CLASS Filicinées or ferns
(classification by families is unclear).
GROUP Fern Greenhouse
left, mini-plant Nephrolepis (Fern), a right Radermacher.

Radermacher is a genus of plants of the family Bignoniaceae, native to Southeast Asia. This type includes fifteen species. We also find this plant under the name of Stereospermum. The genus name is dedicated to Jacob Cornelis Matthieu Radermacher, eighteenth-century Dutch naturalist who identified a large proportion of the flora of Java and Sumatra. Characteristics

The Radermacher are evergreen trees of varying sizes depending on the species, from 5 to 40 meters high. The leaves are bi-or tripinnate. The flowers, grouped in panicles, have a diameter of 5 to 7 cm, with a bell-shaped corolla tubular, white, pink, purple or bright yellow.

nontoxic plant - This small shrub has a light and air. Small shiny leaves are found in pairs and are bright green. They evoke those of the ash. Stem, at first green, becoming gray and woody shrub vieillit.Cet when the subject lives very long without great difficulty. This bloom plant does not bloom indoors. Growing moderately fast-growing, the Radermacher reach a maximum height of 1m pot. The light foliage of this plant the intended rather to be grown in isolation. Place it in front of a light colored background. Grow this plant in indirect light. A window exposed to the east or west should be fine. The sunlight burns the leaves and excess shadow that lie disproportionately twigs. The Radermacher is easy to grow if he finds a location with adequate light but no direct sun. By cons, it shall bear no air pollution. Do not place not in a kitchen where gas fumes or cooking does not suit him. Also avoid smoky places by smoking or other source of smoke ... If necessary, trim the plant in fall for it retains a very compact port. Temperatures between 21 and 24 ° C in summer and 15 to 18 ° C in winter are fine. Water moderately during growing season. Moisten the mixture well with each watering, but allow to dry on the surface before watering again. In winter, water just to keep the root ball to dry out completely. Perform regular liquid fertilizer once a month from May September. Repot in spring every 2 or 3 years. Use a soil-based mixture by placing a good layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot.

The 3 seed cotton to 18 days - see post Gossypium herbaceum
In all species of Fishbone, the fronds spring from an underground rhizome which is the upper visible and form a short stem and thick. The fronds are long and curved. They are divided into narrow leaflets alternating on each side of the spine. Under each leaflet, there are 2 rows of sporangia reniform, brown, and on either side of the midrib. All Fishbone produce many runners who are thin and hairy on the surface of potting mix and take root. The Fishbone is growing year-round if kept in the heat. This fern lives very long when grown under good conditions. Unlike most ferns prefer an indoor location semi-shade, the bright light Nephrolepis application but still no direct sun. When the temperature drops below 13 ° C, growth ceases. Not fall below 10 ° C. Above 21 ° C, humidity should be increased and drench is needed. Above 13 ° C, drizzle generously to keep the soil wet. The compost will be a good mixture of peat-based commerce. Most ferns require acid substrate (plants calcifuges). Multiplication is performed by sowing spores. It is made by producers who specialize in horticulture buy pots of young plants ready for potting. In summary, we can say that a spore gives rise to a prothallus (small leaf-like body shape of heart), which appear in the genitals. After fertilization must be done through water in liquid form, the prothallus gave birth to the first sling appears as a crook. As to the appearance of other fronds, the prothallus disappears and the plant has the appearance of a mature plant in miniature. Propagation by runners taking possession of seedlings is easier, each seedling being transplanted or potted separately in a terrine. Watering depends on the ambient temperature. Water must be free of limestone (calcifuge plant). The substrate is good soil, ferns special 'trade, it must have an acidic pH. Repotting is preferably in the spring when the roots fill the pot. Place the plants in a lighted area, but protected from direct sunlight. The runners can be removed if they interfere with the appearance of the plant. They are then recovered for propagation if they are sufficiently developed. Mealybugs can invade the plant. It must be treated quickly. When growing conditions are unfavorable physiological conditions can settle (browning or drying of leaves, crown rot caused by excess humidity in a temperature too low ...). Nephrolepis is used in the stew and indoor garden. In floral, foliage is enjoyed as a filling in floral arrangements.
