Chlorella and disposal of heavy metals Chlorella
and disposal heavy metals
File from a talk given October 31, 2001 in Zurich by Dr. Klinghardt, director of a clinic specializing in pain management in Santa Fe pioneer in the nutritional treatment of the devastating effects of heavy metals, and by Dr. Patricia Kane (USA), a specialist in nutrition and severe neurological diseases, especially children with autism. Together, these two researchers deliver their vast experience and impressive results using the method of detoxification with the help of Chlorella.
Excerpt from article published in the journal "Take care of yourself! ®" in September 2002 (No. 26)
The inevitable poison collective
Heavy metals such as mercury, are now hidden everywhere. We must prove that diseases such as viral infections, fungal infections, tuberculosis, cancer, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, disorders thyroid gland, some headaches, allergies, skin problems, cold hands and feet (important symptom), night sweats, candidiasis, herpes and mononucleosis, are due to the presence of mercury. Particularly in the case of Candida, the immune system causes the body to produce microfungi whose function is to bind to mercury. The body is doing better with these microfungi with intra-or extracellular deposits.
There are two main sources of mercury pollution:
1) fillings
2) the mother
The body of the mother uses the fetus as "trash" to get rid of his own heavy metal. Significant amounts of mercury pass from the body of the mother to the fetus.
There are also a lot of mercury in breast milk.
This poisoning of young children results in reduced growth, smaller brains, immune systems and reduced body weight.
The biggest mistake in medicine is to fight infections without bothering to remove metals. Furthermore, the accumulation of neuro-toxic in the body causes a synergistic destructive. We can take the analogy of a cat in a china shop: its presence does little danger. It is the same for a dog. But if they are put together in this store, this can spell disaster. In a recent television show American Scott Mayer, it was said that the blood of all subjects currently contains over 70 chemicals.
Here is a great discovery:
When mercury is removed from the body, other toxins escape from themselves. By cons, as mercury is present, other toxins must be eliminated one by one.
Stop the cycle
The neuro-toxins or chemicals, or metal, are continuously filtered by the liver and transported in intestine via bile. But it's reabsorbed, creating an endless cycle, generating chronic diseases. If we can break this cycle by a sensor to neuro-toxins, it can ASIST rapid healing. This is possible with an algae called Chlorella.
Today, the best method is to continuously detoxify by eating Chlorella (per meal) because it is impossible to evade the general pollution.
In case of serious chronic disease, the doses are 5 to 6 g, 4 times a day for 6 weeks. After those six weeks, the amount neuro-toxic substances circulating is reduced by 90%. We observed improvements in a shorter time when the doses are higher.
Note: If you have conventional dental amalgam, it is necessary to have them removed at the earliest, but gradually, a dentist with and aware of the dangers of mercury .
to know that 50% of the mercury is absorbed by the brain .
Those who do not take into account the fact that most foods today are vectors neuro-toxic additive, will have to choose between multiple sclerosis, breast cancer and others. Vegetarians are not immune to the system.
A permanent cleaning has become essential for good health .
Similarly, there is a synergy between efficient methods of treatment. Also, the effectiveness of Chlorella is greatly improved by the addition of wild garlic, and further enhanced with coriander .
Mercury then exits through the skin, breathing, faeces and urine.
The importance of fatty acids.
It is possible to repair the nervous system by a simple fatty acid consumption.
Currently, neurological diseases are statistically much higher. The neuro-toxins are the main cause of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and all alterations of brain function.
We now know that autism is linked to intestinal bacteria caused immune system damage caused by vaccines and heavy metals .
treatment of autism is simply to remove heavy metals and fatty acids added. It is an illusion to believe that we can drain the vaccines only with homeopathy - because the damage the vaccines reach the enzymes and fatty acids in the body. Therefore act on the metabolism and repair enzymes one by one.
For this, we must remove the copper, lead, mercury and heavy metals from the body. There alone, the enzymes may weaken reassimilation fats essential to the nervous system.
In childhood diseases in general, the recipe is as follows:
6 g of Chlorella 4 times per day. It is a strong dose representing 24 tablets 4 times a day.
This removes the neuro-toxins circulating. Intestinal flora and renormalize all anaerobes disappear from the gut.
can cure autism, epilepsy, learning delays among young children with simple therapy:
6 g of Chlorella 4 times daily + wild garlic 5 drops of tincture .
reactions to drug treatment
Before, we treated syphilis with mercury. Removing mercury, bacteria are redéveloppent. That is why during detoxification, infections appear. It is a problem that has pushed many patients. There is a phase where all chronic diseases emerge. There is no heavy metal detoxification without evidence of infection. The disease with which it is reached seems to worsen. We have courbbatures, headaches, ... and we know at this time we really removes heavy metals.
The next step is the treatment of infections. There's more difficult because, in the absence of toxic metals, disease respond very easily to conventional therapies, while in their presence, the treatments do not work.
Lead poisoning
In 1997 a study was done on the skeletons of dead human for 400 or 500 years and also on other dead for 10 years. It appears that the level of lead in our bones is currently 500 to 1000 times higher than it was 500 years ago. This explains all the problems of neurological development in children, outbreaks of leukemia, lymphoma, anemia and blood disorders.
From these data, Dr. Kane was able to treat lymphoma patients with only injections of DMPS for chelating lead.
DMPS is a chelating agent creates in the USSR to treat minor poisoned by heavy metals. During the Chernobyl disaster, patients received DMPS for two weekly injections. Treated individuals had a chance to avoid a degeneration of the spinal cord. DMPS has indeed the property to quickly evacuate several kinds of metals.
This product called EDTA in Germany, is reserved for the medical profession.
If anyone knows how to get them to contact me:
Green.medecine @
Since, to avoid lead in gasoline, replaced it with new products that are downright carcinogenic. Thus, we could see the curve in the USA cancer increase due to the removal of lead from gasoline.
The world is crazy! a world of nightmares! a nightmare world's
The fragility of the body Brain
The Klinghardt and Dr. Kane worked on many patients with MS, Parkinson's, epilepsy, Alzheimer's ... with significant results.
The rest of the article here: