Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wedding Reply Wording Samples

Mutants: Peoples choice

mutineers or Mutants: Peoples choice

A new campaign Kokopelli: Leprechauns, the mutineers, in the Gardens

Association Kokopelli al'extrême pleasure in any rascality and mutiny, to launch its new campaign "Lutin , mutineers, in the Gardens. Polleniseurs, Humuseurs and friendliness. "

Seminars by Tom Wagner in Britain and Switzerland

We offer two seminars of two days, led by Tom Wagner on the subject of the breeding of tomatoes and potatoes, in their selection (According to various criteria of taste, color, etc.), their "resistance" (disease, drought, etc.). These seminars will be held:

- 25/26 September 2009 in Morlaix, Brittany.

- The 3 / 4 October 2009 in Switzerland, in the Lac Leman .

Bookings for these two seminars, with payment of a deposit can be made online at the site of Kokopelli France and also for Switzerland, with Sandra's Garden Baeriswil Charrotons.

Cereals Perennials

part of our dynamic "Free wheat, barley and rye," integral part of our campaign "Leprechauns, the mutineers, in the Gardens' Association Kokopelli offers lines of perennial rye which, by the generosity their growth, plants are bio-mass par excellence.

We have, for now, some fifty lots to distribute and we want them to be welcomed by enthusiasts who take great care in breeding and seed.

Warning: Papageno, allowing some of the rye, which we introduced it five years ago, informs all those interested that rye can reach 2 meters in height and is very gallantly reseed. A pampered therefore, preferably, in gardens, the surface will allow this kind of fantasy plants. A sow in spring.

We also received an ancient variety of wheat in Guatemala, in larger amounts, and we recommend the sowing of spring wheat. Please send your requests to Cécile .

Seminars and Usability

We want to formally state that the Association Kokopelli derives no benefit of any its seminar program. Our philosophy is to donate money to the leaders of the so-called seminars. In the case of Tom Wagner, who lives on the west coast of the USA, be aware that this researcher, the department of nutrition and agro-ecology, creating varieties without any subsidy or state or multinationals.

And for the public domain. Some of its varieties are found, shamelessly, in the French supermarket chains while Tom is forced to take a teaching job to continue to volunteer, since for decades, serving the people. We're very happy:

- to share his research and variety to a wide audience of gardeners, market gardeners and farmers.

- to participate in its prosperity and help ensure it can continue for long years to regale us with his beautiful and delicious varieties.

Jenna Jameson At Aquarium Of The Pacific

Chlorella and disposal of heavy metals


and disposal heavy metals


File from a talk given October 31, 2001 in Zurich by Dr. Klinghardt, director of a clinic specializing in pain management in Santa Fe pioneer in the nutritional treatment of the devastating effects of heavy metals, and by Dr. Patricia Kane (USA), a specialist in nutrition and severe neurological diseases, especially children with autism. Together, these two researchers deliver their vast experience and impressive results using the method of detoxification with the help of Chlorella.

Excerpt from article published in the journal "Take care of yourself! ®" in September 2002 (No. 26)

The inevitable poison collective

Heavy metals such as mercury, are now hidden everywhere. We must prove that diseases such as viral infections, fungal infections, tuberculosis, cancer, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, disorders thyroid gland, some headaches, allergies, skin problems, cold hands and feet (important symptom), night sweats, candidiasis, herpes and mononucleosis, are due to the presence of mercury. Particularly in the case of Candida, the immune system causes the body to produce microfungi whose function is to bind to mercury. The body is doing better with these microfungi with intra-or extracellular deposits.

There are two main sources of mercury pollution:

1) fillings

2) the mother

The body of the mother uses the fetus as "trash" to get rid of his own heavy metal. Significant amounts of mercury pass from the body of the mother to the fetus.

There are also a lot of mercury in breast milk.

This poisoning of young children results in reduced growth, smaller brains, immune systems and reduced body weight.

The biggest mistake in medicine is to fight infections without bothering to remove metals. Furthermore, the accumulation of neuro-toxic in the body causes a synergistic destructive. We can take the analogy of a cat in a china shop: its presence does little danger. It is the same for a dog. But if they are put together in this store, this can spell disaster. In a recent television show American Scott Mayer, it was said that the blood of all subjects currently contains over 70 chemicals.

Here is a great discovery:

When mercury is removed from the body, other toxins escape from themselves. By cons, as mercury is present, other toxins must be eliminated one by one.

Stop the cycle

The neuro-toxins or chemicals, or metal, are continuously filtered by the liver and transported in intestine via bile. But it's reabsorbed, creating an endless cycle, generating chronic diseases. If we can break this cycle by a sensor to neuro-toxins, it can ASIST rapid healing. This is possible with an algae called Chlorella.

Today, the best method is to continuously detoxify by eating Chlorella (per meal) because it is impossible to evade the general pollution.

In case of serious chronic disease, the doses are 5 to 6 g, 4 times a day for 6 weeks. After those six weeks, the amount neuro-toxic substances circulating is reduced by 90%. We observed improvements in a shorter time when the doses are higher.

Note: If you have conventional dental amalgam, it is necessary to have them removed at the earliest, but gradually, a dentist with and aware of the dangers of mercury .

to know that 50% of the mercury is absorbed by the brain .

Those who do not take into account the fact that most foods today are vectors neuro-toxic additive, will have to choose between multiple sclerosis, breast cancer and others. Vegetarians are not immune to the system.

A permanent cleaning has become essential for good health .

Similarly, there is a synergy between efficient methods of treatment. Also, the effectiveness of Chlorella is greatly improved by the addition of wild garlic, and further enhanced with coriander .

Mercury then exits through the skin, breathing, faeces and urine.

The importance of fatty acids.

It is possible to repair the nervous system by a simple fatty acid consumption.

Currently, neurological diseases are statistically much higher. The neuro-toxins are the main cause of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and all alterations of brain function.

We now know that autism is linked to intestinal bacteria caused immune system damage caused by vaccines and heavy metals .

treatment of autism is simply to remove heavy metals and fatty acids added. It is an illusion to believe that we can drain the vaccines only with homeopathy - because the damage the vaccines reach the enzymes and fatty acids in the body. Therefore act on the metabolism and repair enzymes one by one.

For this, we must remove the copper, lead, mercury and heavy metals from the body. There alone, the enzymes may weaken reassimilation fats essential to the nervous system.

In childhood diseases in general, the recipe is as follows:

6 g of Chlorella 4 times per day. It is a strong dose representing 24 tablets 4 times a day.

This removes the neuro-toxins circulating. Intestinal flora and renormalize all anaerobes disappear from the gut.

can cure autism, epilepsy, learning delays among young children with simple therapy:

6 g of Chlorella 4 times daily + wild garlic 5 drops of tincture .

reactions to drug treatment

Before, we treated syphilis with mercury. Removing mercury, bacteria are redéveloppent. That is why during detoxification, infections appear. It is a problem that has pushed many patients. There is a phase where all chronic diseases emerge. There is no heavy metal detoxification without evidence of infection. The disease with which it is reached seems to worsen. We have courbbatures, headaches, ... and we know at this time we really removes heavy metals.

The next step is the treatment of infections. There's more difficult because, in the absence of toxic metals, disease respond very easily to conventional therapies, while in their presence, the treatments do not work.

Lead poisoning

In 1997 a study was done on the skeletons of dead human for 400 or 500 years and also on other dead for 10 years. It appears that the level of lead in our bones is currently 500 to 1000 times higher than it was 500 years ago. This explains all the problems of neurological development in children, outbreaks of leukemia, lymphoma, anemia and blood disorders.

From these data, Dr. Kane was able to treat lymphoma patients with only injections of DMPS for chelating lead.

DMPS is a chelating agent creates in the USSR to treat minor poisoned by heavy metals. During the Chernobyl disaster, patients received DMPS for two weekly injections. Treated individuals had a chance to avoid a degeneration of the spinal cord. DMPS has indeed the property to quickly evacuate several kinds of metals.

This product called EDTA in Germany, is reserved for the medical profession.

If anyone knows how to get them to contact me:

Green.medecine @

Since, to avoid lead in gasoline, replaced it with new products that are downright carcinogenic. Thus, we could see the curve in the USA cancer increase due to the removal of lead from gasoline.

The world is crazy! a world of nightmares! a nightmare world's

The fragility of the body Brain

The Klinghardt and Dr. Kane worked on many patients with MS, Parkinson's, epilepsy, Alzheimer's ... with significant results.

The rest of the article here:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Very Stiff Neck During Tonsillitis

Kokopelli: News from February 2009 - Seminar by Tom Wagner

News February 2009 - Seminar Tom Wagner
on 22/23 September 2009
We offer a first 2-day seminar, hosted by Tom Wagner on the themes of the breeding of tomatoes and potatoes, their selection (according to various criteria of taste, color, etc.) on their "resistance" (disease, drought, etc.).
This seminar will take place on 22/23 September 2009 at the National Conservatory Garden Tomato Gardener Prince Louis Albert de Broglie, in Castle Bourdaisière in Montlouis, near Tours.
The cost of this seminar is 80 euros (without meals and hostingplans).
Reservations, with payment of a deposit can be made online at the site of Kokopelli . Tom Wagner will be in Europe for four weeks and we are trying to organize other seminars or conferences in France and Europe. The timing of these events will be featured on our site throughout its development.
Rabies in the heart, love to the soul
A ticket mood Dominique Guillet, presented on the site Liberterre, conscientiously objecting to the incessant utterance, for everyone who claim to control Western countries or in the process of Westernization, the deadly triad "New World Order." In view of a forthcoming publication, we welcome any interesting information, not available on the net, for the abomination that is the Codex Alimentarius.

A ticket mood Dominique Guillet, featured on the site Liberterre , conscientiously objecting to the incessant utterance by those who claim to be in control of Western countries or process of Westernization, the triad of death "New World Order."

a view to a forthcoming publication, we gladly welcome any interesting information, not available on the net, for the abomination that is the Codex Alimentarius.


Leaves, genes and greenhouse gas emissions

Dominique Guillet presents his translation of a text David Beerling extract the second chapter of his book "The Emerald Planet".

In this chapter, the author explains that trees and plants had to wait 40 million years before they grow leaves, due to the excessively high carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (the about 15 times more atmospheric carbon dioxide than what prevails today).

It is very difficult for the human imagination to visualize a world made of plant stems strictly devoid of leaves, a fact that would have persisted for tens of millions of years.

The author also discusses the decline of leaf pores over the rise of carbon dioxide since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

This interesting text highlights the intimate relationship between climate and the plant world. However, it leaves the whole debate raging: can we really speak of "global warming" or should we talk about a "climate disruption" globally and across our lives?
It is true that one can not but be vigilant against the specter of global warming wielded by the very people who advocate a New World Order, a slightly altered version of the Old World Order, that of cartels of finance, pharmaceuticals, agro-chemicals, agro-food ...
Even those who refused, moreover, faced with the rise of carbon dioxide, recycle agriculture to organic, stop all deforestation, greatly limiting consumption of meat, all factors that, besides the fact that they drastically reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere, would contribute to halting desertification and erosion processes on this beautiful planet.
Indeed, what happens now in Australia is probably less the result of climatic upheaval ( this country has suffered from recurring cycles of drought ruthless, and listed since 1829) than a century and a half of farming and intensive farming.
Australia is probably the first country called "West" to be completely ruined by the process of salinization and desertification: some land Australians salt concentrations three times higher than the ocean.
And for those who are interested in the roots of the Old World Order, we recommend reading two basic texts of Paul Shepard, a U.S. pioneer of the Ecology:
The best way to fight against multinationals, is to do without, for home gardening, agro-ecological practices and empowerment seed .
These three dynamics of accession that we propose for 2009: Support to 20 euros to 60 euros and active benefactor to 150 euros. Part of the membership money is devoted to the development of our dynamic in the Third World: seed production data to the peasants, organizing training in seed production, establishment of seed banks, support for the creation Networking seed farmers.
Kokopelli Association was founded in 1999.
It included:
- in 2004: 1260 clearers in 2005: 2729 clearers in 2006: 4289 members
In September 2007, are 4390 members who are current with their dues.
- 6059 Members October 31, 2008
Each year there are between 300 and 400 people who sent us the seeds produced in their home garden bound for solidarity internationale.Un big thank you for your support.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Recurring Lipomas On Foot

A large garden with bulbs and gardening in minimottes

A large garden with bulbs and minimottes
Garnish a large flower in the spring, it is not always obvious and it is expensive! Why not prepare the Spring to Autumn, by calling with a few bulbs minimottes and a lovely composition, at lower cost and great effect in a few months?
minimottes Why?
In the spring, traditionally with scoops that we made planters. Of course we can achieve very fine results, but ...
the cost is high if the planters (or massive) are large, the large size of the clumps often requires tightening them to get a good effect, with consideration as root development sometimes unsatisfactory, watering must be very supported if the weather is mild.
Young plants ready to plant
These small clumps of seedlings are ready to plant, a format derived from the professional world. Available in different sizes (depending on the progress in the season), they can be planted directly.
Supplied in trays, the smaller they are, they are more numerous per tray and save! A tray of 35 costs around 10 €. What do stock a good-sized garden.
Our membership
Mix bulbs and biennials produces very good results. Biennials form a pretty colorful carpet, while the bulbs give a little height and size (the size of their flowers).
There is no competition in the roots, and planting in 2 stages there is no problem of implementation.
For this gardener, we will deal with: delicious
rape of a pink tone marked. Very floriferous, the violas are these charming "little thoughts" of a bright blue forget-me, pretty tulips too high and a soft pink, to contrast nicely with their neighbors.
Commissioning The work
gardener (for us half a barrel cut in the direction of height) is packed with good compost.
These are the first tulip bulbs that are placed (not too often!). Planting depth of bulbs will be approximately equal to twice their height. The hole is kept open until the completion of the work, not to inadvertently place a seedling just above a bulb!
There is concern then minimottes trays, which had previously been soaked in a tub of water to wet the clods.
Given their small size, these plants are quite fragile and require careful handling. To extract the polystyrene tray, use the tips of your fingers or a small piece of wood not too sharp.
Arrange your lumps on the surface of the planter, violas and forget-me by mixing. Use the bulb planter to practice your holes, ensuring that they are not too deep and narrow, leading to leave an air gap beneath the sod: very detrimental.
As usual, a good watering is needed to settle the soil around the bulbs and plants.
A little fertilizer may be helpful to support the bloom biannually. The cones of slow-release fertilizers are well suited for this job. Count 6 to 10 cones a bed of good surface.
Then ... let nature take its course. Fall and winter will move forward, and from the very beginning of the year, violas will reward you with a shimmer of earlier flowering. The forget-me complete the picture a bit later (around March-April), followed logically by the explosion tulips. Little effort for a table flowers over several months!

Communitty Hours Leter

pots: the big trend in gardening time

gardening in pots:
the big trend in gardening time
Gardening is one of outdoor recreation whose popularity is growing the fastest.
For those who love gardening but do not have a yard big enough, gardening in containers is the ideal solution.
To help you begin your project, Gardening Team Canadian Tire offers these ideas:
bulbs bring a touch that can dramatically transform a small space, such as a patio or balcony, an exotic garden.
Choose bulbs easy to grow as daylily, begonia, dahlia, hosta and astilbe .
Plant herbs for a constant supply of fresh herbs. basil, chives, parsley, marjoram and thyme are all easy to grow in containers and put the finishing touches to any offers.
A container garden is a small oasis of greenery. It must first be a good soil that retains moisture and promotes airflow, in addition to the application of fertilizer every two weeks. Visit your garden center nearest you to find the proper soil and fertilizer.
For patios or porches cottage, try to grow a vegetable tray. Small vegetables such as tomatoes and peppers will grow in pots as small as 5 inches deep.
Trying to find attractive and decorative pots to put your plants. They will soon color into your environment, providing a nice touch to your yard while you wait for your garden grows. Various styles, colors, sizes and finishes will help you create a beautiful outdoor space.
Buy two or three additional trays for the children who will use it for their first garden.
For weddings, birthday parties or other special events, create special containers to use as centerpieces or to give as gift to your guests. Watering
The first challenge of pot culture is watering: too much water (in the case of inadequate drainage), and your plants will drown; not enough water (in the case of an oversight a day or two), and some of your plants dry out.
Find the right balance, making sure that all trays that you use have a drainage hole and a two inch layer of porous material such as rock in the bottom of the pot. Remember also that, since you do not plant in soil, moisture evaporates quickly. Tell yourself that you will need to water the potted plants every day during the summer.
Give your plants Potted a drink rich in nutrients made from compost tea : put a shovel full of compost in a bucket, fill it with water and let sit for a day or two. Then use this tea to water your plants.
If you have access to a flat roof, you might think to cultivate a garden in pots. What to avoid.
Do not take pots treated timber for growing vegetables. In addition, do not use containers that have been made of chemicals.