Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Anxiety Cartoon Animation

Press Review of the Union - The Ardennes

LAWRENCE Judging livestock for what?

Published Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 11:00

Deux élèves se sont distingués au concours départemental. is the question asked by some high school students Agricultural public Balcony of the Bulge, sensitized to environmental management. Which involves the regulation of animals on natural areas. And choose those we care, training in trial of livestock is very useful!
Eight students (all options) have been selected for the county final which was held on December 8 last, Létanne Animals Charolais, and Mouzon for Holstein. Twenty competitors were present. Two high school students
farm stand, Adrien Hottin who finished first in the county contest "Charolais" Romain and Lambert took second place in the county contest "Holstein".

They will represent the school in national competition for cattle trial to be held at the next Salon de l'Agriculture in Paris. Congratulations and good luck for this new competition.

Laurine and Reinald

Friday, December 17, 2010

What Would Happen If A Plasma Ball Breaks

another victory!

To prepare for the trial of livestock, we have trained with Mr. Lambert and M. Theobald. During four hours we trained on Holstein and Charolais.
This training has paid off as of 8 qualified students in high school 5 were in our class.
And finally it is Romain and Adrien, who will represent us in Paris.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sample Church Letters Request For Donations

Training cattle to Paris!

A love Cow!

Ci-cons, a small preview of sorties flown on the operation of our school so that the cows but also we, students, we can learn the various contexts of a competition. That said, this kind of learning can not be on the short term. We do not hide that animals have given us a hard time and lots of giggles! But our motivation we can achieve our ultimate goal: Paris!

When the animal gets the upper hand!

In communion with the animal !

snack break!

The man who whispered in the ears of cows!

Yolanda, Romuald and Laurine

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ap Biology Cell Respiration Labanswers

our institution.

our establishment

Our property is located in the Ardennes, near Charleville Mézières St. Lawrence.
The school has various sectors like:
- 3rd in Agricultural Education
- 2nd General and Technological EATDD
- Bin STAV (Science and Technology Agronomy and Life)
- Bac Pro CGEA (Conduct and Management of Agricultural Operations)
- Bac Pro ILO (Bio Processing Industry)
- Bac Pro GMNF (Management of Natural Environments and Wildlife)
- BTS Management and Protection Nature

There is also the CFA and the CFPPA which lies in the establishment with bands like:
GAP - CAPA and Forestry Work
- CAPA landscaping
- Certificate of specialization in the forest.

We have a farm that includes:
- a workshop dairy cows (about 55 VL) with 60 hectares of grass
- a workshop game birds + sika deer, lawn park's natural game.
- a workshop chickens and capons
- a processing plant

Tatiana, Gwen and Aude

Monday, September 6, 2010

Se[aration Anxiety Poems


sea: 14h - 15h30
7 to 12 years
game: 17h30 - 20h
all public
Pamela and Patrick
Mon: from 17.15
> 4 years
Awakening Musiclown
Wed & Sat: 10h-10h45
4-5 years
Wed & Sat: 11am-12pm
6 to 8 years
Dance Workshop - Theatre
Wed: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
teen> 13 years
Locus focus
game: 20h30 - 23h
Creative Dance
sea: 14h - 15h
6-8 years

Awakening Body
Wed: 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
4-5 years
Contemporary Dance
Tue: 8:15 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
Sandra: .28
and improvisation

Theater Children
Toussaint : 25 to 29 October
7-12 year
Winter: March 7 to 11
7-12 years
Francis and Valerie
Internships clown
WE: 11/12dec -2 / 3 March
Practice of Nonviolence
WE: November 27/28 - 5 / 6 March

training / movies

Qi Gong
Fri: 20h - 21h30
At the heart of the body
Violin children group
Wed: 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
the heart notes
tuition Violin / Accordion
Tuesday: 5:45 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
Dorothy: .18
Gym gentle relaxation
Mon: 11am - 12:30
Remi :
Drawing Painting
sea: 20h - 23h
youth and adults
Philippe :
Thurs: 10am - 12pm
Contemporary Theatre
WE 8 year
large teens and adults
1 ° meeting: 2 and 3 October
S: 13h-19h / D: 10h-17h
Virginia BAES:

1 week: 25 to 30 April

activities are restricted to full members of the association "Le Balcon du Levant

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How To Make A Spy Mic

Opuntia ficus-indica

Prickly Pear, Nopal the party has long despised plants, like aloe and nettle

Nopal (Opuntia) is the Mexican name, origin of our Aztec Cactus pear.

plant is a rich, beautiful, original and very useful. Its simplicity and incredible vitality Cactus allow this to prosper even in the often inhospitable desert regions where it offers to man and his pet feeder and therapeutic virtues. There are over 400 species and countless varieties.
Among American Indians, the nopal has always belonged to the most widely used medicinal plants. For pre-Columbian populations, it is a sacred plant, as well as Agave, Chocolate, Corn, and the Cereus Peyote (two other cacti).
Modern medical research with a growing interest in rediscovering the plant and its properties. She studies the molecules that compose it and allow him to fight effectively against some of the most serious diseases of our time - anxiety, arteriosclerosis, cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, spasms, the stress.

Main properties of Nopal:

- Hypoglycemic, it decreases the amount of sugar in the blood

- It lowers bad cholesterol;

- Calming and Relaxing natural, Nopal has a sedative action in conditions such as angina pectoris, heart spasms, headaches, stomach;

- Anxiolytic, it is a natural tranquilizer;

- Antidiarrheal, he is serving and regulates intestinal transit;

- Antispasmodic, it rebalances the nervous system;

- galactagogue and tonic, it promotes and enables the production of milk in lactating women.

According to recent clinical studies, the Nopal removes excess ammonia accumulated in certain organs, successfully fights free radicals, neutralize toxins that weaken our immune system due to overuse of alcohol or tobacco. By its action quite remarkable in the nervous system, brings calm and serenity Nopal the organization stressed. It can overcome anxiety among anxious.

practitioners prescribed spasmophilia cons.

Research on Nopal active molecules are just beginning and its use in medicine is still largely empirical. La Tuna, fruit of the nopal and the tender flesh of his rackets are prescribed treatments for health cures like our grapes, and are very popular with vegetarians.

A legend says that in the monastery where he had retired, Charles, gravely ill, his body covered with sores that festered and stinking room, was nursed in secret medical official of the Court by a converted Aztec healer. This théapeute applied plasters him warm racket Nopal. The story says that heals within weeks.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Face Aches And Head Aches

My Wall Cooliris (last day)