Prickly Pear, Nopal the party has long despised plants, like aloe and nettle
Nopal (Opuntia) is the Mexican name, origin of our Aztec Cactus pear.
plant is a rich, beautiful, original and very useful. Its simplicity and incredible vitality Cactus allow this to prosper even in the often inhospitable desert regions where it offers to man and his pet feeder and therapeutic virtues. There are over 400 species and countless varieties. Among American Indians, the nopal has always belonged to the most widely used medicinal plants. For pre-Columbian populations, it is a sacred plant, as well as Agave, Chocolate, Corn, and the Cereus Peyote (two other cacti). Modern medical research with a growing interest in rediscovering the plant and its properties. She studies the molecules that compose it and allow him to fight effectively against some of the most serious diseases of our time - anxiety, arteriosclerosis, cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, spasms, the stress. Main properties of Nopal:
- Hypoglycemic, it decreases the amount of sugar in the blood
- It lowers bad cholesterol;- Calming and Relaxing natural, Nopal has a sedative action in conditions such as angina pectoris, heart spasms, headaches, stomach;
- Anxiolytic, it is a natural tranquilizer;
- Antidiarrheal, he is serving and regulates intestinal transit;
- Antispasmodic, it rebalances the nervous system;
- galactagogue and tonic, it promotes and enables the production of milk in lactating women.
According to recent clinical studies, the Nopal removes excess ammonia accumulated in certain organs, successfully fights free radicals, neutralize toxins that weaken our immune system due to overuse of alcohol or tobacco. By its action quite remarkable in the nervous system, brings calm and serenity Nopal the organization stressed. It can overcome anxiety among anxious.
practitioners prescribed spasmophilia cons.
Research on Nopal active molecules are just beginning and its use in medicine is still largely empirical. La Tuna, fruit of the nopal and the tender flesh of his rackets are prescribed treatments for health cures like our grapes, and are very popular with vegetarians.
A legend says that in the monastery where he had retired, Charles, gravely ill, his body covered with sores that festered and stinking room, was nursed in secret medical official of the Court by a converted Aztec healer. This théapeute applied plasters him warm racket Nopal. The story says that heals within weeks.