Monday, January 31, 2011

Temp Stamp Driver License


Beautiful pictures and amazing signed I year Teh a certain China now underwater. All details on this series titled Vanishing , there .

On the same subject but with a radically different treatment, see there .

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who Is Hotter,alba Or Hake?


Today, we are fortunate to have an actress with us, Caroline Guth with the company "Question of the Butter" funny name for a theater company!
You can not find? After
relaxation exercises, operations management, despite the cold, the atmosphere was at work ... but not always easy to focus, you can judge.

Thanks to the whole class to have participated in this video montage

It releases the pressure ...

Not the kind of practical clipping or drugging but relaxation and placement of her voice. Caroline gives us tips on public speaking and learn to master his fear on stage.
Much of the class played the game!

Concentrate must stay focused!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Simi Garewal In Mera Nam Joker

Passage Relay: 2nd students meet students first

When to go!
Today, Tuesday, January 25 is the handover, we spent the afternoon with students from 2nd pro "Animal Production".

The program
trade practices and tutoring.

Bad weather does not scare us, we must prepare for the competition!

This idea of mentoring has existed since the beginning of the school year, the goal is to enable students to 2nd pro to be accompanied and advised by students undergo the same training!

handover between Blandine, a student of 2nd and Evelyse,
class 1st and Trophy candidate.

Tatiana and Gwen are on the ground rather than writing.

article written by the entire class of first CGEA

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Japanese Public Sperm Sharking


The Drenchers

The word can be scary, but rest assured, everything is under control as shown in the picture with Thomas. Above all, we weighed our cows, they show an average weight of 650 KG!

"I've never been so focused!"
We administered the "stop dose" (the first treatment was 30ml/100 kg bw). The product used is Zanil, which helps to fight against the fluke (parasite in the liver of ruminants).

Trimming legs
Yolanda open debridement of legs using the grinder.
The neighborhood consists of legs to clean and "manicure" the hooves of cattle. This helps prevent lameness and limit the growth of bacteria. We used the grinder and line markers. This manipulation is painless . We all dressed at least one beast with the help of Mr. Viot, pedicure cattle.

Hair Removal Thermal

Desiree, our Deputy, Roman, Chief epilator!

What are the benefits of hair removal Thermal

- It's fast!
- is without pain and stress for the animal! (But a bit stressful for us!)
- The udder hygiene is better
- The preparation work to trafficking is reduced because we put the chaff in the stalls and it "sticks to the hair."


Alexander makes a subcutaneous

We made several vaccines on the herd. The injections are intra-muscular or subcutaneous. We vaccinated against BVD or Q fever

We also swallow a bolus of magnesium to heifers to fight against warts. This is done orally.
When we work, we block the cows in the stanchion and we maintain the head with a halter to avoid the blows.
Nicolas, Alexander and Thomas S

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hindu House Names For New Home In Kerala

Presentation Farm!

A batch of heifers walk!
The feed table. Our cattle are mostly fed grass, summer and winter.

Our parlor: a 2 x 6 simple equipment.

The dairy farm to the front.

Romano and Kevin

Whole Body Laser Hair

Still at work on the path of the trophy!

Our training gives us the opportunity to attend numerous practical work. In this situation, we really feel in the concrete and the realities of the profession!
The course on dissection may seem a bit difficult for some but it is a very interesting event and we learned to cope ...

Adrian, Baptist and Reinald

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cervical Mucuson The Day Of Period

2011: go for the trophy!

They (our friends the cows!) Require our attention, the deadline is approaching!
They will be the best to go to the Trophy!

Tristan, Mike Renaud and