Hands The Drenchers
The word can be scary, but rest assured, everything is under control as shown in the picture with Thomas. Above all, we weighed our cows, they show an average weight of 650 KG!
"I've never been so focused!" |
We administered the "stop dose" (the first treatment was 30ml/100 kg bw). The product used is Zanil, which helps to fight against the fluke (parasite in the liver of ruminants).
Trimming legs
Yolanda open debridement of legs using the grinder. |
The neighborhood consists of legs to clean and "manicure" the hooves of cattle. This helps prevent lameness and limit the growth of bacteria. We used the grinder and line markers.
manipulation is painless
. We all dressed at least one beast with the help of Mr. Viot, pedicure cattle.
Hair Removal Thermal
Desiree, our Deputy, Roman, Chief epilator! |
What are the benefits of hair removal Thermal
- It's fast!
- is without pain and stress for the animal! (But a bit stressful for us!)
- The udder hygiene is better
- The preparation work to trafficking is reduced because we put the chaff in the stalls and it "sticks to the hair."
Immunization |
Alexander makes a subcutaneous |
We made several vaccines on the herd. The injections are intra-muscular or subcutaneous. We vaccinated against BVD or Q fever
We also swallow a bolus of magnesium to heifers to fight against warts. This is done orally.
When we work, we block the cows in the stanchion and we maintain the head with a halter to avoid the blows.
Nicolas, Alexander and Thomas S