Thursday, April 30, 2009

What To Write In A Card For Pregnancy

Passing on Bay Bridge ...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008, late afternoon

The time passes so quickly, even faster when is a vast country and we could see so much. Good, but one can always say whatever you want, the days will never be more than 24 hours.
At the end of the afternoon, I will tell you the problem data [even if it is not one!]: It is 16:30, we're staying tonight in Merced, 220 miles away. As there are people on the road, we will have between 2:30 and 3 hours. And we will not forget to add an hour for lunch break. If all goes well, we should be just before nightfall.

Ok, everybody, ready, go!

Meanwhile, as you know me, and make you wait, I'll talk a little during the journey, giving you a few bonus numbers, for those interested.
Leaving Dolores Street, take left onto 17th Street. I thought I noted that San Francisco , streets that go from west to east are numbered from the 1st (the first, the further north, at the bottom of Market Street) until the 30th. Here I am doing very condensed version, because there are some exceptions that course as the 3rd line then extends southward. San Francisco is a city not very extensive, but it is best to consult the plan time to time to see where we go ... Do not accuse me of getting lost!

the way, we admire all kinds of houses, very typical style, and always colorful. But let me suggest to talk about that later.

San Francisco - Typical houses on Church Street

We are now, via 7th Street, on Bryant Street, where you can access to I-80, James Lick Freeway at the start, which is simply the branch of the famous Bay Bridge, on two levels, five channels each. Leaving San Francisco we are on the lower floor. On the left we have a beautiful view of the skyscrapers of the financial center.

can also be seen, still under construction in May 2008, the residential complex of two towers The Infinity . In April 2005, starting to dig for foundations, we found only 6 meters a whaling ship built in 1818, The Candace . It was felt that he had served about 1849 when the gold rush. I was told there were over one ounce in its hold. To be honest with you, I admit I did not know for sure I was not there in 2005 ... Too bad!

The Infinity II , down from its 41 floors and 137 meters becomes the 29 th tallest building in the city. While The Infinity I does "only" 107 meters and 37 floors. Admittedly they have the look!

Bay Bridge, seen on The Infinity I & II (under construction)

We remain in the numbers ... The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, also known more simply and Bay Bridge, is 7 miles, with access and the central tunnel. It is composed of two different parts, on both sides of the island of Yerba Buena. The first part of SF and is 2 820 meters. It consists of two suspension bridges based on a central pillar. The second, from 3100 meters to Oakland is like cantilever truss bridge. It was completed in November 1936, just months before the other famous bridge the city, the Golden Gate.

Also under construction, near Oakland, and for some years, the new bridge will replace the entire part is, to put it to seismic standards. For info, since the history of construction in the 1930s to the progress of work in progress, please visit this site (it's American, of course, but the images speak for 'themselves, and it's pretty impressive!).

The western part of the Bay Bridge

Upon exiting the Bay Bridge, we continue east on I-580, along the great city of Oakland. This is the third largest city (400,000 inhabitants) most populated urban area of San Francisco to San Jose, south of the bay (950 000) and San Francisco (800 000 inhabitants).

About an hour from San Francisco, Interstate 580 crosses Altamont Pass. At this location there is actual fields of wind which obviously does not go unnoticed. Judge for yourself: this wind farm of 4,800 machines of different models developed approximately 550 000 kW! By the 1980s, California was a pioneer in renewable energy production with the installation of several wind farms. Altamont Pass is also the largest concentration of wind turbines in the world.

Some of the 4,800 wind turbines in Altamont Pass ...

At the height of Stockton, CA-99 the road turns south-east. We are in the San Joaquin Valley. It rightly considers this whole valley as one of the granaries of the country. Indeed it produces half the fruit and vegetables and 90% of almonds, Artichokes, avocados and tomatoes in the United States. Almonds are even the first world agricultural export from California with nearly 80%.

All shades of green are in the nature ...

stop in Modesto, in a self-service is very welcoming. After what I just said this must be normal here, but I'm still impressed by the number of different kinds of salads before us, not least at the level of green salads. not to mention everything else, and of course, always at will. By cons, no surprise, it seems to me that among the possible choices for the main course, there was roast chicken tonight. Anyway, what is often preferred, simply because, at least, we recognize visually and very quickly what it is. In most other cases, we do not always know exactly what lies beneath the various sauces, or what is ultimately in the flat or on our plates. Still, it was very good and very good.

address? no idea, I forgot to note. Modesto is a dormitory town, a city in transition, originally a stop on the way Railway Sacramento - Los Angeles, and no shortage of places to eat ...

The city founded in 1870 by a Ralston was to bear his name, as often here. But since there was not really, railway workers said that Ralston was Muy Modesto, very modest. And the name stuck!

That's all for today, we still only 70 kilometers to reach the same road, Merced, Ramada Inn.

And my head still full of all the beautiful images accumulated so far, since the flight this morning from Las Vegas (it was this morning?), We go to sleep thinking that tomorrow we are green. This will really change us all these great buildings and urban concentrations. Yet in terms of height, we're not going to lose, he will raise his head, too, believe me.

Promised no question this time of skyscrapers!

But tomorrow is another day ...

Son's Speech At Anniversary

Install Windows 98 on your mobile

I tested Windows 3.11 on my E65, and I can almost guarantee you that it works well, but for what is to run Windows 98, I have not had a chance to test the stuff, so I guarantee you nothing.

According to the tutorial I found, you will need preferably a mobile with a lot of RAM like the N95 8gb, in order to try and install the symbian version of DOSBox is an emulator for MSDOS.

Here the direct link to the tutorial in English , I have no problem if I had translated the guarantee that the method works.

I wish you good luck.

Appropriate Name For A Cultural Fest

What is the best application for find free WiFi

Application Wifi Handywii
HandyWi (which has nothing to do with the Wii) is a practical application, ideal for search and connect to free WiFi hotspot without being noticed:)

may prevent you from ringing when found Fi hotspot, and can walk at start of your mobile without slowdowns. Just run Handiwii, put your phone in your pocket and walk.

And it works without any problems in the background, so you can listen to music, read a sms without any risk of disrupting the operation of HandyWi, and does more for you.

The craziest story in this application is that quality is free and does not contain any advertising
. A big thank you for the generosity of its creators:)

Would Blood Work Show Hiv?

Play PC games market on Your Mobile Symbian

The dig on the Nokia E65 is

possible, I have already finished several PC games on my e65, but it's not good anyway

can just run the old games, even very old, like Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis, The Dig which is a very good game, Loom, The Curse of Monkey Island or Elvira 2 ... All good games at the time, but now are outdated.

Oh, I forgot! Sorry! I am very nostalgic:) I will explain how to do it now!
Ben, you need an emulator and biensur not any, you need ScummVM for symbian.

Installation is simple and you do not need adjustments to be super complicated to start playing.

Just create a new folder on your memory card, copy as the game, and tell ScummVM or find it.

The only hitch in the story is that it becomes tiresome to the mouse controller with simple alphanumeric keys, but really convenient with the touchscreen.

So good luck to run your games of childhood.

a + +

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What Color Is A Throat Cancer Ribbon

Mission Dolores, the origins of the city

Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 16 hours

Let us quickly, again, a brief history. This is necessary if you want to follow the guide today, thank you! This Mission, should you accept it ... Flashback!

We are late fifteenth th century, Spain has a range of missions throughout Nueva España , New Spain, Mexico and consists of land currently forming the southwestern United States. This, of course, in order to facilitate colonization of these territories.

However, in 1765, Russia threatened to invade what was then called Upper California. The King of Spain sends English missionaries in the forefront with the help of military escorts to consolidate its colonies, while spreading Christianity among the local Native Americans, at the same time.

Steeples of the basilica

The Dominicans, Jesuits and Franciscans are well founded twenty-one missions along the California coast. They start in San Diego in the south in 1769 to finish at Sonoma, a thousand miles north in 1823.

Imagine though, at the time, each colony so created must be sufficient in itself. Fathers bring livestock, fruits and vegetables, refueling is virtually impossible from Mexico. It takes months of trips to travel such distances, and boats are still too small. For the rest, fathers must make do with limited means.

So with the help of the settlers and Native Americans, they use the materials at hand, and modes of the simplest construction, beginning as a priority by the church.

Mission Dolores, the "revedos" decorative altar brought from Mexico in 1776. You can see the ceiling beams made of redwood, connected strips of leather, and decorated with motifs of Ohlone Indians.

The Task before us today is the sixth in the timeline. June 27, 1776, an expedition of about thirty families, partly on foot from Sonora, and led by Lieutenant Jose Joaquin Moraga, took possession of this hilly peninsula, covered with wild mint. The first village he founded is named Yerba Buena, the good grass . Not far from there flows a stream called Arroyo de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores meaning Creek Our Lady of Sorrows. Why such a name, you say? the Friday before Palm Sunday is, at the time, appointed Friday of Sorrows, simply. Now you know everything (or almost!)

June 29, Father Francisco Palou, who works with Father Junipero Serra celebrated under a makeshift shelter, the first mass in the region.

Padre Francisco Palou
, founder of the Mission

Thus was born the city of San Francisco, five days before either signed the Declaration Independence .

Mission Dolores (or Mission San Francisco de Asis) was officially founded October 9, 1776. The adobe walls of a four feet thick to allow this building to resist earthquake of 1906. The redwood beams supporting the roof are original and are held by leather straps. The ceiling is decorated with ancient motifs Ohlone Indians. The altars are made or manufactured in Mexico. The columns, which appear to be marble, are made of wood. The gold leaf used for decorations are original.

The basilica, built next door was destroyed in 1906, rebuilt in 1918. It shows including a sculpture of Mater Dolorosa , Our Lady of Sorrows .
To conclude our visit, outside, cross the cemetery, where the statue of Father Junipero Serra. Most of the tombs date from the Gold Rush, when San Francisco experienced a great expansion, and where, because of many diseases, people die young. [Uh ... Mexican pigs, already invading California? No, it's not funny!]

In the garden cemetery, the statue of Father Junipero Serra

So, forgive me, I've really summarized the whole story in thirty minutes, as our tour ends already.

So I just realized, belatedly, that I have not taken the time to photograph the front of this venerable building over 200 years . But you can see a representation on the window next to the Father Palou.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


The Streets of San Francisco

Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 3:30 p.m.

Well, before we continue, I want to reassure you that things between us be clear: there is often no tremor earth as severe in San Francisco. The evidence I have notice anything while we were there ...

No kidding, if I wanted to speak, precisely on 18 April, it was not to worry. You should know that each year at 5:12, families of victims find themselves in front of Lotta's Fountain on Market Street, where the survivors had spontaneously gathered to find their relatives after the disaster. This fountain was offered in 1875 to the city by the actress Lotta Crabtree. Of course, in 2006, to commemorate the 100 th anniversary, thousands of people attended, including a dozen survivors. After a minute's silence, sirens rang church bells rang and a carriage drawn by four fire horses traveled Market Street to the fountain.

view of Alcatraz from Hyde Street

But for now, not to worry, we're on the bus on Van Ness. It is a great avenue named after the mayor of the city in 1856, James Van Ness. This artery runs through the city from north to south, from the bay, until Cesar Chavez Street. If I clear it up, it down, and this is of course not the only street in this case, you will absolutely not surprised, because everyone already knows!

There is a proverb which says, it seems: "When you're tired of walking in San Francisco, lean on it." The city is built on more than forty hills, high of 60 to 275 meters. The streets are steeper towards Russian Hill and Nob Hill neighborhoods that we follow exactly, and Pacific Heights. A roller coaster ...

Bay Bridge View from the Cable Car in the descent from California Street

An example Filbert Street, from Van Ness climbs up to its junction with Hyde Street, then down to Leavenworth Street with more than 31% slope. Another example, 22nd Street between Vicksburg Street and Church Street. These are the two steepest portions. And

attention to park in the steep streets of SF, where parking was not provided perpendicular to the sidewalk, we must tighten the brakes (yes, I'm not making), but above compulsory turn the wheels toward the sidewalk, under penalty of fine.

Van Ness Ave / St Filbert: beware the downhill, coming up!

And do not you'll most priority on reaching the bottom of the slope. In all crosses, each street has a stop sign. Well then, you say that going on? Well simply, it is in the order of arrival. Anyway, better to avoid taking the car, I can tell you that there is little room for parking!

The city, like many others, has a grid pattern. In planning, it is called a plan hippodamian or hippodaméen [and there, I confess, I do not know, there are still two minutes]. If you want to know everything, Hippodamus was a Greek architect.

course, such a plan takes no account of topography. But the downside of the steep streets of San Francisco, which is the most famous example, however, constitutes one of the charms of this city.

In the cable car during the descent from California Street

So the streets of San Francisco , you know, there is no doubt. For some, it evokes a series American TV that is passed in France in the 1970s. This series featured the investigation of Mike Stone (Karl Malden), a veteran of the San Francisco Police Department with 23 years of service. His teammate, the young and impetuous Steve Keller (Michael Douglas in the first four seasons), who left school detective assistant police had to prove on the field. Between 1972 and 1977, there were no fewer than 121 episodes, and this has contributed immensely to our knowledge, and San Francisco ... a young Michael Douglas.

Jones Street, view from California Street

I will not give you all the movies that were filmed in San Francisco. Some are listed on Wikipedia . Randomly among the latest in that you've seen: And if that were true ... In search of happiness, or Harvey Milk Zodiac.

But I can not ignore the famous race-car chase in Bullitt . This police lieutenant played by Steve McQueen in the eponymous film, released in 1968 American cop. Yes, I know, it's also a bit dated for younger children. But it's really become a classic in film history, and even the scenes that are more realistic, thanks to a judicious positioning of shots, much more striking than the use of special effects or images synthesis, ultimately.

And when we know that the chase between Frank Bullitt, driving his Ford Mustang Fastback and killers driving their Dodge has really been turned into the very streets of San Francisco, it adds to the realism, right? Remember, the chase between two cars which quickly become prosecutors pursued, still takes 10 minutes to finish a little abruptly at a service station ...

I let you (re) discover this little memorable scene filmed 40 years ago. But I assure you that in our case, our bus driver, Ariel has deftly handled his car, admittedly, but still (much) more calmly. It also allowed me time to take some pictures throughout the journey. And it also prepared us to quiet places we'll visit shortly.

safe arrival on Dolores Street, and without the help of DHL!

Half an hour was enough to drive about 8 km, but remember, it climbs.

Just after the intersection of 16th and Dolores Street, we arrived at their destination, and DHL has nothing to do! Come on, everybody goes down.

special message today to the attention of Stephen ( MrOizo ):
"I wish you a happy birthday my grandfather! "

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lip Lump And Bruising

1906: the earthquake in San Francisco San Francisco

Wednesday, April 18, 1906, 5:12

small village in 1848, that the gold rush that San Francisco owes its expansion. Two years later, the city already 50 000. In 1906, she became the ninth city in the United States with nearly 400,000 inhabitants. Then a modern and elegant has become a cultural center.

This cited growing will be totally destroyed April 18, 1906 at 5:35 am. The main quake occurred at 5:12. Its epicenter was 12 km west of San Francisco along the San Andreas Fault.

The tremors were felt from Oregon to Los Angeles, and inland to central Nevada. The earthquake and resulting fire remain to this day among the largest natural disasters that have hit a major U.S. city.

But this earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2 on the Richter scale is not the real cause of the disaster. At this time, houses are mostly made of wood. The man responsible for many deaths is the huge fire that ravaged the city. Only half an hour after the first shock, there are already 50 fires. The fire raged for two days under the helpless gaze of firefighters.

  • The destruction of an American metropolis

In 1906, San Francisco is a city booming. Boomtown born half a century before the gold rush, it became at that time the metropolis of the West Coast of the United States. But on April 18 at 5:35 am, an earthquake of considerable magnitude and the shaking causes a huge fire which destroyed almost entirely.

soon rebuilt, the city remains now under permanent threat of the great San Andreas Fault, in the heart of one of the most volatile regions of the world.

  • A proud city

It is gold that San Francisco owes his fortune. Discovered in 1848, the year in which Mexico cedes California to the United States, the precious metal concealed in the Rocky Mountains cause a stampede towards the West. Small village in 1848, San Francisco is already a city of 50,000 people two years later. In 1906, became the ninth U.S. city with 400,000 inhabitants - nearly half the population of California - This modern and elegant, half of whose inhabitants were not born in California, lives by something other than gold mining or mining.

After the earthquake in San Francisco (1906) - Views taken from a moving vehicle on East Market Street (1'40).

Proud of its 20 theaters and the opera, she is even more of its business district, where banks and trading houses thrive in the shade of the large newly built City Hall. Now, this business area, a symbol of the dynamism of the city, which is totally destroyed by the huge fire in April 1906. Indeed, far more than the earthquake itself, which, despite its magnitude of 8.2 degrees on the Richter scale, which has 9, that few victims in a city where buildings are still mostly of wood is the fire that causes triggering the catastrophe.

  • A huge fire

For some, it is the escape of sparks son tramway fell on the ground after the quake, for others it is the kerosene lamps that are reversed in origin of the flames in a city where the main construction material is highly combustible, a thousand reasons why the fire started. Half an hour after the quake, in any case, there are already 50 fires. The fire raged for two days later, destroying half the city, killing 450 people, chasing 200 000 other homes.

lack of water - the pipes were ruptured during the earthquake - the authorities can do nothing: the firefighters attending nearly helpless in the fire, the administration is content to stay temporarily homeless tents hastily installed in the large city park. The army, Under these conditions, takes things in hand. The head of the garrison commander Funston, declared martial law and orders to shoot looters on sight who would benefit from the general panic. Faced with the inability of firefighters, the same man decides blasting large-scale buildings to save the neighborhoods still unaffected. Within hours, people are losing the most beautiful street in the city, Van Ness Avenue, whose facades were their pride. This sacrifice can protect the west of the city, but the neighborhood is, on both sides of Market Street is on fire: the wharves and warehouses on the bay business district and Chinatown are completely destroyed.

Images of the earthquake in San Francisco (9'50).

  • Reconstruction and continuing threat

Residents to heart quickly erase the memory of the cataclysm. Barely a month later, the most famous citizen of the city, William Randolph Hearst (the newspaper magnate that inspired the filmmaker Orson Welles's film Citizen Kane), brought Sarah Bernhardt: French actress plays Adrienne Lecouvreur in the outdoor theater in Berkeley. The city rebuilt quickly, is even more beautiful. New construction techniques involving concrete and steel used to design a completely new city, made of skyscrapers.

In the summer of 1915, the opening of the Panama Canal is an opportunity to organize a major exhibition: 19 million visitors come to admire while San Francisco refurbishment. Despite this, even today, the catastrophe of 1906 occupies an important place in the collective memory of residents of San Francisco. As before her, Lisbon in 1755 or after it, Tokyo in 1923, San Francisco came in the category of cities martyrs of earthquakes. Some even attribute to the constant threat of earthquakes new carefree and whimsical character of a city whose atmosphere is unique today in the United States.

The first sequence (Western Addition) shows here many details suggestive of a neighborhood, a hundred years ago. The rest is turned west on Market Street (7'44)

  • The San Andreas Fault

Straight over nearly 1000 kilometers north of the Bay of San Francisco in Mojave Desert The great San Andreas fault poses a continuing threat to California. It corresponds in contact with the Pacific Plate and North America. Instead of sinking beneath the other one, as is usually the case elsewhere, these two plates rub laterally.

The Pacific heads south and the American goes north. These frictions are the source of instability as permanent seismic around San Francisco. Seismologists have been able to assess a major earthquake occurred approximately every 80 years. With amazing regularity, San Francisco has experienced another earthquake in 1986 (force 7) and again in 1989 (force 6). If the skyscrapers have not moved, thanks to their seismic design, the collapse of a bridge killed 50 people in 1989 and lit fires which no wind that day was fortunately prevented from spreading. ______________________________________________________________________________

The sources of the article, pictures and videos and other information are available at the following sites, among a few examples:
And as a bonus, for those who have read this far, a film of 46 minutes, includes historical footage spectacular colorful animations, and interviews with experts in the earthquake. Shock Waves [In] has been recognized as a remarkable documentary Telly Awards 2006 and was nominated for an Emmy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Guinness Merchandise, Dog Collar

: gulls and sea lions

Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 15 hours

This short cruise on the bay was, well, pleasant. Especially, and I repeat, when you have the chance to "see" something, like today. That is to say, when there is not that famous fog that covers and feature the bay and the Golden Gate and the city in general!

You may have noticed, there were just a little cloud on top of the towers of the bridge to look pretty in the photo.

Whether or Audubon California, the gull we welcome

There are about 100 days of fog on the peninsula during the year, mainly during summer and early fall. I told you, it never gets very hot in San Francisco: the average annual temperature is about 14 ° C, while the maximum reading is 20 ° C in September / October.

Hervé gives us about twenty minutes before taking the bus. There is much to see in the neighborhood.

a cart in front of the bakery Boudin

Here, for example the famous Boudin Bakery . Without being chauvinistic [although sometimes you wonder], you may be interested to learn that it was founded exactly one hundred years before my birth by a Burgundian named Isidore Boudin. Yes, I know, it was not won with a name like that ...

And yet, with its know-how, when the gold rush, as he had to feed all these hungry researchers who flocked from all over, his case was immediately successful. And then, his specialty, precisely, to Isidore was the sourdough bread, authentic French recipe he inherited from his parents! With a little more time, you can visit the museum open every afternoon. Know that it is always the same yeasts and especially some of the original pulp that are used daily in this "Original San Francisco Sourdough French bread.

The colony of sea lions [Zalophus californianus]

On the Waterfront, you can see many seagulls of course ... Uh, sorry we said gulls, as it seems, there is the French name for that of the gulls. They are California gulls [Larus californicus] and all along the docks, there are some who are posing.

But here it is also another specialty, I have appointed the sea lions, or always to be more precise, the sea lions These pinnipeds have become accustomed to squat a few years ago the docks of Pier 39. So that the authorities decided to forbid access to boats at this place! Impossible to miss, especially when we hear them barking in disputing a place in the sun ...

There are still some places for seagulls!

The first sea lions arrived in January 1990, in fact, a few months after the earthquake of 1989. At first they were only a few dozen, but since they were here in abundance of food, especially because they were protected, we counted 300 very quickly a few months later.

The California sea lions basking in the sun

In winter, there would be close to a thousand, most of whom are male. In summer, much migrates south to the Channel Islands off Los Angeles for the breeding season. But there is still a good little group which are of course one of the local attractions, not to say the mascots of Pier 39.

The street artist is, no doubt, very ... Brilliant!

This little interlude allowed me to present some wildlife officials noticed the edge of Fisherman's Wharf. They live freely in this neighborhood and to the delight of tourists and ... photographers. Well, I grant you, horses are a bonus, but these, too ... for the enjoyment of visitors, I guess!

And already, it is Time to continue our city tour!

No, no, let's be serious, we will not all fit in this carriage. The walk should be probably very nice, but I leave you instead.

The horsepower them purr already when we sit on the bus.
Go, hop, here we go! Everybody? Go!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Gush Of Clear Liquid With Period

The San Francisco Bay

Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 14 hours

A short cruise on the bay of San Francisco, you feel like it? Follow me on board the Harbor Queen, wearing the flag of Red and White Fleet . Do not forget your sweater, even in bright sunshine, because there is always a nice little breeze, not to spray. And of course, open your eyes and remember all this (and digital neurons are strongly recommended). On the ears, you will provide a helmet with the player who is well. It allows you, in eight languages, to have all the information and explanations necessary historical. I admit, I probably did not completely successful ... so I'll give you a quick summary.

Under the Golden Gate Bridge

So if you do not remember you learn that the bay is long about 80 to 100 km from north to south and off 5 to 20 km from east to west. It is a shallow estuary, which joins the Pacific Ocean through the Golden Gate channel extending from north to south parallel to the coast. Bay drains the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers take their source in the Sierra Nevada before emptying into the Pacific Ocean. In fact, these two rivers flow into Suisun Bay and Carquinez Strait and the Napa River to join the entrance to San Pablo Bay.

is a bit complicated, right? Then you'll be pleased to learn that, for simplicity, we call this set the "Bay of San Francisco" simply. And we say that its area is about 4000 square kilometers, always in the interest of simplification.

San Francisco Bay view from

Within an hour, we'll sail to the Golden Gate Bridge , then after a large semi around, we went around the island of Alcatraz . This short slideshow gives you a little insight. And you still can click on each photo caption illustrating the articles.

[ download the video here ]

Ah, the Golden Gate Bridge ! The symbol of San Francisco, of course! Not to be confused with the Bay Bridge, especially. It is indeed very easily recognizable by its color called "International Orange" and the architecture of its two towers, connected by two cables of a meter in diameter.

The Bridge on the Golden Gate connects the northern tip of the peninsula from SF to the city of Sausalito, located at the southern tip of the peninsula in Marin County. It is a suspension bridge anchored to the ground, opened to highway traffic, but also for cyclists and pedestrians. Remember that it is 2.6 km long, a good thirty minutes by jogging.

Al Capone visited Alcatraz

We see many pelicans in flight. Why, exactly, the name of the island that we see now comes from the English, Alcatraces (strange birds, pelicans).

The Alcatraz Island also has a very special reputation. The Rock also called , it is located opposite the Wharf. Military fortress in 1850, then a military prison in 1909, she became a high-security federal prison in 1934 and that, until 1963. Its walls, which we did not escape, for example, experienced a certain Al Capone. It was one of the first occupants.

The island of Alcatraz federal prison from 1934 to 1963

For the record, 14 of 36 attempts detainees were held in 29 years . Officially, no detainee has ever really managed to escape from Alcatraz by joining the continent, often carried by ocean currents and cold otherwise. Five prisoners were never found and were considered missing and presumed drowned.

Now it is a historic site open to visitors.