Elephant foot tree bottle Beaucarnea recurvata, Nolina recurvata, Nolina tuberculata Family: Agavaceae Origin : Mexico Flowering time: Summer Flower Color: cream flowers Exposure: sun, bright light in an apartment type of soil: soil with sand, light, drained soil acidity: acid to neutral soil moisture: normal, let the mud between waterings Use: pot, pan, isolated Height: 6 ft Plant type: shrub type of vegetation: Perennial Foliage type: evergreen Hardiness: 5 ° C minimum Planting, Potting: Potting Method of propagating the spring: planting warm separation of the spring releases Size: - Cash, interesting varieties: The genus includes 24 species Diseases and pests: spider mites, mealybugs Toxicity: -
In the foreground two date palms (phoenix dactilyfera) emerged in November 2006 In the background a Peppermaster born in March 2007, see
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