Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Safest Period Of Intercource

G20 and social Darwinism or mutineers

G20 Social Darwinism

1932 - American System against the British Empire
The triumph of Darwin is clearly within our caste politics:
it adapts to the environment. Some, like Jean-Marie Colombani and Claude Gueant, argue that the crisis was not foreseeable. Other
claim that they had provided themselves or they know who had managed to do: Jacques Sapir, Passet, Neil Roubini, Lester Thurow, Jeremy Rifkin, Robert Reich, Joseph Stiglitz and why not His Holiness the Pope and Jean-Marie Le Pen?
Well, precisely: that Le Pen claiming urbi et orbi be announced as early as June 24, 2008 (sic) "the imminence of a progressive global collapse of the banking system, financial, economic, social, that would challenge the order Monetary established. " It is fortunate that ridicule does not kill, even if it is feared much. For not only does no one mention Lyndon LaRouche or myself, which everyone knows we have an absolute right of priority in the case, but above all, nobody has an exit worthy of the name. Some, following the experts in the UK and overseas, offering to stimulate demand and to recapitalize the financial system following a common approach, abandoning protectionism by establishing an insurance system and overall by allocating more resources to the International Monetary Fund.
It seems that the G20 meeting in London the main countries of the world is heading in this track, which is the disaster.
Indeed, this would be, while not controlling anything seriously, everything is going to bail out financial institutions that bear responsibility for the crisis, states swallowing toxic effects under the leadership of the IMF. It creates the conditions of hyperinflation ruining states, economies, the purchasing power of households and entire culture based on mutual development.
In this context, the nationalization of banks and the "global governance" become weapons to save the system monetarist claim existing bank holding company with private-public similar to Mussolini's Italy.
Those who cry "Europe, Europe," or "IMF IMF IMF," without understanding that the policeman is a friend of the thief, dig their own graves. So Zorro, Le Pen arrives, reciting a mantra interventionist after the apostle was the undisputed national-liberalism.
It calls for an exit from the IMF, the reintroduction of national currencies and negotiated "with credit for productive human labor and the long-term investment." The inspired cocksucking
does not, moreover, that the public productive credit would be the lever of a policy of public works, and offers a "loan of up to Lagarde 150Mds" quite inconceivable.
Why we dwell on and a man probably used to discredit what he utters, giving the colors a sterile chauvinism since claims "exclusively reserved to the French" social benefits?
Precisely because the others do nothing.
Nicolas Sarkozy shakes, Martine Aubry does not exercise its role as power-cons and Francois Bayrou is still believed to European merchants from the temple. Under these conditions, in the interest France, it remains to mobilize the ideas put forward here, without continuing to seek information on the Internet.


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