That day more than 550 cars and 1,500 new motorcycles that are registered while the road network increases, according to own statements of the municipality, than 1% per year . The number of vehicles has tripled in ten years , and we count more than nine million motorized vehicles in the Greater Jakarta . Since January, the government taxes a little more the possessor of several vehicles, the tax to 1.5% its value for the first, 1.75% for the second and up to 4% for the fourth. But in the absence of underground and reliable public transportation, it is questionable whether this will have a real effect, such as affecting only the small minority of are richer .
The situation is so catastrophic that the government has highlighted the idea of moving the capital to another city (see there ). Others prefer to imagine how the city could renew itself and become more livable for its millions of inhabitants. in 2009, had been launched " Envisioning the Future of Jakarta " , you will find some suggestions here . question is whether they have a chance of one day being implemented.
The photos that illustrate this post they are signed, Erik Prasetya .

When there is only as stations for rest ...
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